Country hunter as fashion label
There are many famous fashion labels! Surely you also know some of them such as Adidas, Hugo Boss, H&M and very many more. All these have once started small and have now become global companies with billions in sales.
To gain recognition, many of these large companies have their logo and or company name printed large on their textiles or even embroidered. A good example of this is the company Hollister, which writes your logo in various creations large on your shirts.
Young and young at heart people like to wear such clothes and are even proud that they are allowed to advertise for a fashion label.
This also includes a member of our management, who then promptly presented this idea and was able to convince the owner, Mario Lang, with it.
So first of all a closed hoodie was created, which besides the embroidered text Landjäger also includes our label, Edelschweiz. The demand for this type of hoodie was amazingly high and with it the customer's wish to design further articles in this way grew. Therefore, we have now brand-new each a Landjäger hoodie with a zipper in black and in red with the applied label "Landjäger" in our store. Here you can also order the red one or here the black one. Already shortly a white hoodie will also be added.
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