
Schweizer Berghilfe: Entlebucher young entrepreneur suffers from slump in demand due to Corona crisis

Swiss Mountain Aid project donation for a young entrepreneur in the Napf region.

Swiss Mountain Aid supports small and micro-enterprises in the mountain region that have been driven into financial straits by the Corona crisis. This was also the case for a small Entlebuch company that runs a bakery with a branch, two village shops and a small snack bar.

NapfgebietFive years ago, together with his then business partner, a young entrepreneur was able to take over a bakery-confectionery and two village shops in the Napf region. Since then, the business has focused on regional specialities, which are sold in its own shops as well as in restaurants and hotels in the region. A home delivery service and a party service were created, and most recently a small snack bar was added. This should further increase the bakery's sales and secure the jobs that have been created. Swiss Mountain Aid supported the young entrepreneurs in this further development of the business. During the Corona crisis, demand for baked goods and food from restaurants, hotels and festival organisers plummeted. The young entrepreneur, who now runs the business with his wife, has been confronted with severe losses and expects at most half of the previous year's turnover. To make matters worse, a refrigeration system had to be repaired at a cost of several thousand francs during this difficult phase. In order to limit the financial damage to the young company and thus preserve the valuable jobs in the mountain region, Swiss Mountain Aid has made a support contribution as part of the Corona emergency aid programme.

Other Swiss Mountain Aid projects that we support.

Letter of thanks from the Napf

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